How to change the order of tabs on the Product page?

The best way to implement the order change on the tabs that are displayed on magento’s product page is by extending the product page layout and changing the sort_order attribute for the tab block you want to move. In your theme’s folder (design/frontend/Theme_Vendor/Theme_Name) add (or append to) the file catalog_product_view.xml under the folder Magento_Catalog/layout. Is you already have that file[…]

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How to show the totals section in the checkout shipping step

If you want to show the totals section when you first go to the default checkout in your magento 2 website you need to extend the abstract-total object defined in the Magento_Checkout/js/view/summary/abstract-total.js file. The function isFullMode needs to be replaced by a custom function that avoids not showing the total section in the shipping step. Basically the last statement on[…]

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Randomize the product list in all categories

Recently I had a request from a customer asking to randomize the product listing in all the categories. The goal was to give the illusion of “freshness” or frequent changes in the categories. To achieve this the product collection created when a category is called needed to be sorted in a random order. I created an extension to override the[…]

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